Setsubun at English Pocket新着!!
To start the month of February, we had Setsubun on Monday! A demon visited English Pocket and the students thr […]
Preparation Day新着!!
For one of the activities this week, ATLAS was told about their performance day at the end of March. They need […]
Spinning Tops
For one of our activities this week, we made spinning tops and held a tournament! The students were told that […]
Skateboarding 🛹
For our field trip this week, the students went to the local skate park to practice their skateboarding skills […]
Music Square with Tom Bennett
For our activity this week, we had special guests, Tom Bennett and his wife, Ryu who were kind enough to visit […]
We celebrated Christmas!
ATLAS五反田校では、子ども達が待ちに待ったChristmas Eventを開催しました。 エントランスのクリスマスツリー下には、子ども達に、シークレットサンタからのプレゼントが! プレゼントを開けると、、、嬉しいアイ […]
Azabudai Hills Christmas Market 2024!
For our field trip this week, ATLAS went to the Azabudai Christmas Market and Pokemon exhibit! The students we […]
Grilling Sweet Potatoes
For our field trip this week, the students went out to a park to grill sweet potatoes and marshmallows! The st […]
Skateboarding 🛹
For our field trip, we went to a local skateboarding park! The students were able to skate on a beautiful day […]
Grilling Sweet Potatoes 🔥
For our field trip in ATLAS, we went to a park to grill sweet potatoes and roast marshmallows! The students we […]